Season 1 | Episode 1: Transportation of the Future

Dream the Future

Environment/Society, Germany 2016

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Ready for an amazing trip to 2050? The world is changing. Technology and science affect life - with an often confusing speed. But meaningful innovations could open the door to an era of extraordinary possibilities. Currently, the creativity of people around the world is in demand. The documentary series shows these people who create new solutions for the future with their ideas and visions. Moving faster and further - is that pure fantasy? Or will the utopias of science fiction become reality? Whether we go to work, transport goods or travel, we are constantly on the move. Transportation determines people's everyday lives. But at the beginning of the 21st century, CO2 emissions have increased dramatically. Climate change has become a reality. The current transport methods are reaching their limits. How will it be in 2050, when the world population has grown to nine billion? People and businesses around the world are already creating future transportation - with amazing ideas.
53 min
FSK 12
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William Roy


Alex Fighter

Original title:

Dream the Future

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 12

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