Black Sheep

Comedy, Germany 2006

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Marc Hosemann could take home the Golden Lola for Best Male Lead for "Sophia, der Tod & ich". As one of Berlin's black sheep, he plays Boris, a former Rolex hand model, now an impostor in search of a new start. "Schampus a gogo!" shouts a drunken Berlin artist on a tourist boat on the Spree River and immediately pukes all over the clothes of a Munich yuppie couple. He thus expresses the need of many more Berliners who, in this wild and pitch-black outfit, do not want to miss any attempt, however mad, to get money and profit. But in this poverty-stricken city this is anything but a picnic and requires a lot of imagination. BLACK SHEEP is a bittersweet comedy, a portrait of Berlin and its grotesque inhabitants. 13 protagonists, 2 days and nights. As different as they all are, one thing unites them: The fight for power, money and sex. There is Boris, for example, formerly the Rolex hand model, who is now living a life as an impostor, but now wants to start over and urgently needs some capital to do so. The only valuable thing he owns, however, are his hands and the insurance money attached to them ... Or the two unemployed Satanists who, in order to get money and power, organise a diabolical ritual. Unfortunately, they also need a woman who voluntarily takes on the role of victim. Difficult, if it were not for the comatose grandmother of the one. There are also two hip twens with a firm plan to get a free renovation of their flat by trying to rip off the anti-capitalist 'agency work without money' with political babble. BLACK SHEEP tells of luck and failure. An urban, wild rollercoaster ride, where illusions are mercilessly buried and love and light finally find their way in.
96 min
FSK 18


Studio Babelsberg Producer Award
German Film Award 2006 Young Talent Award

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Oliver Rihs


Ramón Orza


Jule Böwe (Charlotte Heinze)

Milan Peschel (Peter Harminsky)

Marc Hosemann (Boris)

Bruno Cathomas (Roger)

Robert Stadlober (Breslin)

Tom Schilling (Julian)

Daniel Krauss (Caramel)

Beat Marti (Klies)

Kirk Kirchberger (Fred)

Original title:

Schwarze Schafe

Original language:


Further titles:

Goodbye Reagan


1.85:1 HD, B/W with partial color


FBW rating "valuable"

Age rating:

FSK 18