DEFA classics

The DEFA film stock is a unique document of German film history

Among the most important DEFA directors are Frank Beyer, Wolfgang Staudte, Kurt Maetzig, Konrad Wolf, Volker Koepp, Barbara Junge and Winfried Junge. Among the best-known authors are Christa Wolf, Klaus Schlesinger, Fritz Rudolf Fries, Günter Kunert, Franz Fühmann, Günther Rücker, Jurek Becker, Ulrich Plenzdorf, Helga Schütz and Regine Kühn. The DEFA produced over 700 feature films, including around 150 children's films, while over 600 feature films were produced for television from 1959 to 1990. In addition, around 750 animated films and around 2,250 documentaries, short films and newsreels were produced, with documentary film in particular developing into an important sector.